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Turborepo SaaS Boilerplate Code Documentation

Ideas to product in less than a second

Aesthetic Landing Page

Aesthetic Landing Page

The landing page is designed to be minimalist and aesthetic inspired from It is designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly and easily customizable.

Atomic Design Shadcn Components

Atomic Design Shadcn Components

All the Shadcn Components are stored in a atomic design manner as atoms, molecules. We have created organisms and templates using these components and some custom ones

Shadcn Themes

Shadcn Themes

All the Shadcn Themes can be used to change the look and feel of the landing page by just changing a import statement. We have created a dark and light theme for the landing page.

Authv5 Authentication

Authv5 Authentication

Email Authentication with verification, forgot password, etc. Social Logins with Google, Github, Linkedin, etc. All the authentication is done using Authv5.

Razorpay Payments

Razorpay Payments

Razorpay Payments are integrated into the landing page.

Vercel Blob Storage

Vercel Blob Storage

Vercel Blob Storage is used to store the profile images of the users and also modify them.

Prisma ORM

Prisma ORM

Prisma ORM is used to store the user data.

Profile Management Settings

Profile Management Settings

Profile Management Settings are used to change the user profile details.

Resend Email

Resend Email

Resend Email is used to resend the verification and reset password email to the user.

Sidebar Navigation

Sidebar Navigation

Sidebar Navigation is used to navigate to the different sections of the home page and also profile settings.

Notification System

Notification System

Notification System is used to see notifications of the user.

Customized Pricing for API Credits using Cashfree Payments

Customized Pricing for API Credits using Cashfree Payments

Customized Pricing for API Credits is used to show the pricing of the API Credits.

Notion Client Library

Notion Client Library

Notion Client Library is used to fetch the data from the Notion API.

OpenAI Client Library

OpenAI Client Library

OpenAI Client Library is used to fetch the data from the OpenAI API.