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Start Locally

Clone repo and Install Packages

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd turborepo-saas-boilerplate-code

# Install Packages
npm install

Start Postgres Locally and migrate the database

# Create a docker network
sudo docker network create turborepo-network

#Pull and create postgres docker
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml up -d

# Check if the services are running
sudo docker ps

# Copy all the .env.example files
sudo sh scripts/

# Create the postgres tables by running the below command in the root directory
npm run db:migrate

Modify Details for Landing Page, Home Page and Settings

Modify details in tsx files in this path apps/nextjs-app/lib/constants.

For Registering a New User using email authentiation

Fill the NEXT_PUBLIC_RESEND_API_KEY in the apps/nexjs-app/.env using the below doc

Resend API Key

For Registering a New User using social Logins

Gmail Login: To allow gmail login, AUTH_GOOGLE_ID, AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET and NEXT_PUBLIC_RESEND_API_KEY present in the apps/nextjs-app/.env file are required to be filled. You can get the above details from below docs:

Google Login OAuth

Linkedin Login: To allow linkedin login, AUTH_LINKEDIN_ID and AUTH_LINKEDIN_SECRET present in the apps/nextjs-app/.env file are required to be filled. You can get the above details from below docs:

Linkedin Login OAuth

Github Login: To allow github login, AUTH_GITHUB_ID and AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET present in the apps/nextjs-app/.env file are required to be filled. You can get the above details from below doc:

Github Login OAuth

For making Guest and Admin Login Work

Create guest and admin users using email authentication and fill in the below environment variables present in the apps/nextjs-app/.env NEXT_PUBLIC_GUEST_MAIL & NEXT_PUBLIC_GUEST_PASSWORD with the guest user email and password you created. NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_MAIL & NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_PASSWORD with the admin user email and password you created.

For modifying Profile Pic in Settings

  1. Using the below link get the vercel blob token.
  2. Fill the NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOB_READ_WRITE_TOKEN variable with the token in the apps/nextjs-app/.env

Vercel Blob Token

Running the apps locally in dev mode

npm run dev